Healing Session
Niasziih Healing Session
Service Description
Niasziih, meaning vessel of healing, is an Earth-based healing modality that comes from the Lipan Apache people of the desert southwest. Tom Brown Jr. received this philosophy from his teacher, Stalking Wolf, a Lipan Apache elder, healer and protector. Karl Direske now shares this ancient wisdom through wildernessFusion, the school he founded per Tom’s direction. Awareness & tracking are synonymous in this lineage, and by these means we intend to meet the client where they are in order to help them understand who they seek to be and what is needed to reach their potential. We move with Mystery towards this Vision, such that we may all live with greater peace, love, joy and purpose. Sessions are as unique as the client, and depending on what’s desired, may or may not involve hands-on physical touch. Questioning and intuitive listening guide us, as do the clients’ intentions & curiosities. Anyone searching for healing and perspective regarding physical, emotional, and spiritual dis-eases are welcome.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance.
Contact Details
451 Main Street, Rosendale, NY, USA